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The Secret to a New, Happier, Wealthier You 

[email protected]


Imagine waking up in a beautiful beachfront apartment in Miami Beach. Or a nice old house in Coconut Grove. Or in a glass box in a high-rise in Brickell. You open your eyes, relaxed and smiling, knowing that all of your expenses are easily covered by your upper-middle-class income.

Imagine driving a nice, comfortable car, to a fun, high-tech office, where you actually feel appreciated and respected by your peers and employers.

Imagine having a high enough salary that, when your mind wanders away from your work, you’re thinking about which country you’ll visit next, rather than worrying about whether or not you’re going to have enough money to pay your rent.

While for some this seems too good to be true, this is normal, daily life for many people in Miami.

Miami is a city of extremes. We have some of the most expensive zip codes, with some of the most expensive condos in the world. But we also have tens of thousands of people struggling just to stay afloat. We have a huge population of immigrants — many of whom have recently arrived as refugees from Cuba — who’ve come to the USA at great personal risk to themselves, with few educational qualifications relevant to the US job market.

Many Miamians find themselves bouncing from job to job, working in places like Publix, Best Buy, Sedanos… even working more than one job at a time just to make ends meet. It’s a difficult life, and a never-ending cycle.

We at FVI know what it’s like to struggle, to work hard every day to overcome seemingly impossible circumstances. That’s why we’ve set up our evenings-only school here in the middle of Miami, right near the juncture of the Dolphin and the Palmetto. By teaching future-proof, highly-in-demand skills, we don’t just help people find jobs — we help people develop real, stable, lucrative careers, with room for unlimited growth over the course of a lifetime.

The tech industry is BOOMING right now, and it’s really easy to profit from it.

Do you ever use the internet? If you’re younger than eighty years old, chances are, you probably do. How about a laptop? A smartphone? Social media websites?

All of these things are relatively new. Twenty years ago, there was no such thing as an iPhone or a Facebook account. If you had a question, you could not simply “Google it.” Because Google was not yet, indeed, even a thing.

Over the past twenty years, technology has exploded in a way that nobody could really have predicted beforehand. If people had known in 2007 (the year the first iPhone was released) that, by 2017, more than 95% of US young adults would own a smartphone (see infographic below), then every school would have started teaching web and mobile development at the time. But very few people realized just how big these technologies were about to become. So now, here in 2017, we’re in a position where nearly everyone (not just in the US but around the world) is using these technologies, but there are very few people who actually know how to create them.

happier wealthier you

Getting into a tech career is much, much, much easier than you think.

Even if you’re not a computer whiz, you can easily take advantage of this extremely lucrative tech boom. You don’t need to be a nerd, or a genius, or even a college graduate.

Because of the fact that there are so many people using internet & mobile technologies, and so few people who know how to create them, there is a huge demand for web and mobile designers and developers. Companies are scrambling to hire anybody with the skills to build the websites that they need to stay relevant. College degrees and previous education have become almost irrelevant at this point. All you really need is the skills.

And, while there’s still a popular perception in our society that tech skills are reserved for nerds and computer geniuses, that’s really not true at all anymore. Building and creating websites, for example, is getting easier and easier as time goes on. With tools like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, WordPress, and other technologies, even little kids are building up websites, apps, and programs as easily as if they were sandcastles, lego towers and tree houses.

You don’t need to go to college to get into a lucrative tech career.

We offer evenings-only courses that you can finish in under a year. You can still keep your day job at the same time. If you’re more of an artistic type, you might want to try our web design program. Or, if you like using logic to solve problems, you can check out our web developer program. We even have a Cyber Security Network Technician program, if you’re into all that hacker/counter-hacker stuff.

It really is an amazing time that we live in, where you can finish any of these programs in under a year, while still working at your day job, and end up with skills that can put you in an highly-paid, professional, upper-middle-class career.

The Secret to a New, Happier, Wealthier You

Imagine waking up in the morning, in a well-furnished, comfortably paid-for home. Your savings account is filling up more and more every month, with money to spare to enjoy today.

Imagine never worrying about getting laid off, because there are a thousand other companies that would love to hire you. Your skills are so valuable that, instead of talking down to you, your managers strive to keep you happy.

Imagine being able to save for retirement, to take vacations to the other side of the world, to take time off to relax and to have fun and to learn new things and just to be the person that you’ve always wanted to be.

It’s all right here, at your fingertips. All you need to do is reach out and take it.

Call 786-574-3350 or email [email protected] to find out how we can help create this new, happier, wealthier you… or check out some of our programs: Web Developer | Web Designer | Cyber Security Network Technician

All nursing programs offered at FVI are approved by the Florida Board of Nursing Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miramar US70415200 Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miami US70418900 FVI School of Nursing and Technology (FVI) is licensed by the State of Florida, Commission for Independent Education (CIE) Miami (main) campus License Number: 3441/ Miramar campus License Number: 6010 The Associate of Science programs at FVI School of Nursing and Technology, Miramar, Florida and Miami, Florida are accredited by the Accredited Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). FVI School of Nursing and Technology is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) ID# 312400 since November 03, 2010

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