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Being Prepared for the Job Interview

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Being prepared for the job interview, you will need more than your resume. To be prepared, you will want to research the company and be apprised of their past, present and future endeavors. When speaking with your interviewer, demonstrate your knowledge by incorporating your research into your answers. We are going to explore several commonly asked interview questions. Much like in the interview, take time to think about your response and answer the question. A common misconception when interviewing is that the interviewer wants to meet the “real” you. Interviewer’s want and need to meet the best you!

Describe a time where you had to demonstrate leadership skills

This question is asking for an instance where you took initiative. You may have many examples of your leadership skills. The example you choose should show your ability to lead effectively. Utilize this opportunity to toot your horn about that special project which you took the lead on in your prior position. Show the interviewer who you are through your prior actions

How do you work with someone you didn’t like or get along with?

This is a tough one… Not that we find it hard to think of a person we may not have liked in a previous position; how do you think of the right person for this question? Use this opportunity to highlight another one of your attributes. Discuss a time where, despite personality differences, you were able to build an effective team. Focus on the importance of the work at hand. Let the interviewer know that personality differences will not prevent you from performing your job to the best of your ability.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Always… with the company. Maybe you would like more responsibilities within the position for which you are applying. This is not the time to share your secret desire to start a bakery and move to a farm. Demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s future and incorporate it into yours. Most importantly, let your interviewer know that you are anticipating joining the company, not just until your dream job opens up…

Why do you think you’re right for the job?

You are right for the job because of all the skills that you have on your resume and in the job description! Remember, keep your reasons for suitability to skills. Instead of saying, “because I’m friendly” you would say, “because I have an excellent ability to build relationships.” Speak from the heart, and highlight the skills that make you a perfect fit for the position.

Do you have any questions?

Do not discuss salary. Do not make any assumptions. It is okay to not have any questions. If your interviewer peaked your interest with an aspect of the position, use this time to further explore. This is not an opportunity to ask about benefits and tuition reimbursement. Keep the questions related to the tasks of the position.

Interviews are an opportunity for employers to meet candidates. Treat each interview as an opportunity to demonstrate your ability contribute significantly to the organization. Do your research, come prepared, and don’t be afraid to think. Lastly, always provide your best answer!

All nursing programs offered at FVI are approved by the Florida Board of Nursing Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miramar US70415200 Professional Nursing NCLEX Code Miami US70418900 FVI School of Nursing and Technology (FVI) is licensed by the State of Florida, Commission for Independent Education (CIE) Miami (main) campus License Number: 3441/ Miramar campus License Number: 6010 The Associate of Science programs at FVI School of Nursing and Technology, Miramar, Florida and Miami, Florida are accredited by the Accredited Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). FVI School of Nursing and Technology is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) ID# 312400 since November 03, 2010

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